PaperCity Magazine

October 2013 - Houston

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Jesus said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…" Matthew 25:35 Serving complimentary meals to Houston's unemployed, under-employed, seniors and "working poor" families P VIETRI Founder Event P e r u n a b e l l a For a beautiful life! v i t a ! lease join us in welcoming Susan Gravely, Vietri founder, at Bering's on Westheimer to help personalize all of your VIETRI selections! October 4, 2013 More than half of the food bank clients surveyed in a recent report said they had to choose between buying food and paying their utilities, rent or mortgage. 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 6102 Westheimer Drawing for a set of four hand-painted dessert plates with village market scenes. (door prize retail value $184.00) . Free Old St. Nick mug with your Vietri purchase. Get Involved Today! 281-591-2665 13807 SH 249, Houston, Texas 77086 (while supplies last! retail value $38.00) VIETRI is the largest importer of Italian Ceramics in North America. VIETRI F o u n d e r E v e n t 1- 80 0 -BE R I NG S 6 1 0 2 7 1 3 - 7 8 5 - 6 4 0 0 W e s t h e i m e r : BEH13VietriPaperCityAd_r0.indd 1 9/6/13 1:12 PM TEXAS EXECUTIVE WOMEN CONGRATULATES Women on the Move ® CLASS OF 2013 Help us do what Jesus said do! Open 11 am - 1 pm M-F (8-9 pm Thursday) City Catering 0913 q 2.indd 1 8/5/13 7:21 AM CONSIDERING DIVORCE? Cristal Montañez Baylor Kelli Cohen Fein Nancy Hall Carol Helliker Michele Malloy Debra Ibarra Mayfield Yolanda Black Navarro Anne E. Neeson Diane Osan Meca Walker Women on the Move ® Awards Luncheon November 7, 2013 Bayou City Event Center 9401 Knight Road Houston, TX 77045 LUNCHEON CHAIRS Sofía Adrogué Caroline Baker Hurley Kate H. McConnico, J.D. Board Certified in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization Divorce can be stressful, time-consuming and expensive. Let a board certified family law attorney with over 17 years of experience guide you through the process. HENKE LAW FIRM tailors each client's case to their goals and future needs, with regards to complex property division and child issues. For more information: (Or) Lynn Ellis, E-Events Group at or call 713-532-6907 3200 Southwest Freeway - Penthouse 713.940.4500

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