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I 'm into my third night of working until 5 am, and I'm astounded how little it bothers me. I can always sleep next week. But there is only one chance to make each issue of PaperCity beautiful, interesting and spot on. Our art department and editors feel the same and take a day or two to themselves after shipping the issue to the printer, to revivify. It may be adrenalin storing up for this busy month that keeps us perking along. We have just wound down the entry period for the PaperCity Design Awards and had 181 luscious entries, with winners to be announced Tuesday, April 7, at a cocktail party at The Houston Design Center, our dedicated partner in the Awards. Earlier in the day, Rachel Ashwell, founder of Shabby Chic, will speaking and signing her new book, along with much-loved designer Jan Showers from Dallas and designer Barbara Westbrook in from Atlanta. But before the Awards are bestowed, I'm off to Round Top Antiques Fair the first few days of April, where I'm sure I'll run into Miz Shabby Chic buying up shabby chicness for her collections and her Round Top hotel, The Prairie. See more on Ashwell on page 36. Then it's off to New York with Dallas editor in chief Max Trowbridge, style editor Francine Ballard and publisher Monica Bickers, where we will begin our meetings with the long list of new luxury houses opening in Houston this fall and next spring, from Roberto Cavalli to Tom Ford, Dior and so many more. And I will have just returned from Miami, visiting with The Webster owners, whose boutique is revered and coveted by style-setters around the world, many of whom make a pilgrimage to this Miami fashion Mecca. But I will be in Houston April 17 for the blockbuster opening of Marilyn Minter at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston. CAMH director Bill Arning co-curated this show, which will travel after its Houston debut (April 18 through August 2). For 30-something years, Mr. Arning has watched, nurtured and stood back in awe as Minter developed her art chops. Listen in on an art chat between Arning and Minter in her NYC studio (pages 22 and 23), as she readies paintings for her Houston show; one, Redhead, seen on this cover, was completed just a few short months ago. This Redhead hasn't seen the light of day until this cover, and her debut to the art world will be the grand exhibition "Marilyn Minter: Pretty/Dirty" at the CAMH. No one, except maybe Tom Ford, could keep me from this assignation. Holly Moore Editor in Chief HUNT SLONEM 14 in this ISSUE A P R I L 2015 | STYLE | FASHION | SOCIAL 4 , 6 , 8 P O P. C U LT U R E . G O S S I P. 12 Style: Chinoiserie chic 20 Jewels: Tiffany & Co.'s stunning Blue Book Collection Party: Rienzi Society Dinner 10 Party: Houston Ballet's Masked Ball: a Tribute to Romeo and Juliet 30 Parties: Recipe 4 Success at M. Penner; Houston Symphony Children's Fashion Show and Luncheon; Love's in Fashion at Tootsies 24 Fashion: Parallel paths — beauty and follies 33 36 Design: Rachel Ashwell of Shabby Chic Couture 38 49 Design: Architect Frank Welch's long-awaited memoir 52 Art: Hot topics for spring Art: Studio confidential with artist Carl Palazzolo Decoration: What's new in the design whirl PC House + Art Design: Jan Strickland's museum-area home 42 Party: Lucchese opening fête in Highland Village 56 Design: Michael Boodro/Elle Decor book signing at The Lobby Party: Glasstire's Texas Auction Parties: Sporting clays at Alley Theatre's Claybill and MFAH The Fine Art of Shooting 63 Parties: Houston Center for Photography Print Auction; High School for the Performing and Visual Arts' Encore for Excellence luncheon 64 MAX BURKHALTER Monica Bickers S pring has sprung, although it was hard to tell with the terribly tumultuous weather we had in Texas this winter — how many snow days in Dallas? There was no need to travel far to enjoy a winter wonderland this year, although, yes, we all still made our yearly pilgrimages to Colorado! Hopefully the March showers supplanted the proverbial April showers, and we are off to a beautiful spring. That universal time of renewal has seeped its way into our offices. While one city's loss is another's gain, our amazing Briana Buxbaum — a veteran of the Houston team and a media pro — has set up a new and more senior post in the Dallas office as co-associate publisher of PaperCity Dallas. The Houston office laments her departure, but we know she will do an amazing job heading up the Dallas sales team, alongside 15-year PaperCity veteran Margaret Stafford. Across the board, we are staffing up: a new yet-to-be-announced digital director, new sales reps in each city and a unique find, Farrell Lawo, a marketing whiz with a strong digital pedigree who, while planted in Houston, will rain her marketing expertise across our enterprise, envisioning new advertising and marketing platforms, special events and social media initiatives. Please welcome all of our new hires, and don't forget to visit the new to get a dose of all things fresh and a glimpse of the stunning Ferragamo ads that will be taking over the site for the month of April. Monica Bickers Publisher For our April art issue, we continue the tradition of collaborating with contemporary artists for our covers: Cutting-edge (and often controversial) artworks from William Wegman to the Art Guys have contributed cover subjects for PaperCity magazine. But this issue promises to be perhaps the most memorable and collectible of all, bearing Marilyn Minter's Redhead, 2015, on the occasion of the artist's game-changing four-city traveling retrospective, "Marilyn Minter: Pretty/Dirty," which debuts at the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston April 18 (through August 2). On page 22, read our exclusive Q&A between CAMH director Bill Arning, co-curator of the show — the museum is a co-organizer of the Minter tour — and learn what went down during Arning's first studio visit in the 1980s, why the concept of "juicy" matters, and Miz Minter's role in "paradoxing the norm" in paintings and photos that bear the tropes of fashion gone awry, depicting the gritty, glamorous romance of beautiful decay, from a model's dirt-encrusted Jimmy Choos to smears of designer makeup in meltdown mode and skeins of baroque pearls bitten and swallowed. Our cover shot is the latest work featured in the survey, the very final image included on the pages of the exhibition catalog. The 72-by-60-inch enamel-on-metal painting can be seen in our photo shoot, left, hanging on Minter's studio wall, paint still wet. Talk about fresh content. Catherine D. Anspon ABOUT THE COVER: The Divine MS. MINTER, INDEED Marilyn Minter's Redhead, 2015 , at CAMH Bill Arning and Marilyn Minter en studio, December, 2014 BENJAMIN FREDRICKSON D esigners are making their way from L.A., Atlanta and Dallas to The Houston Design Center's Spring Market Tuesday, April 7. Rachel Ashwell, founder of Shabby Chic, is in from L.A., designer Barbara Westbrook arrives from Atlanta, and Dallas designer Jan Showers rounds out the high-profile group — all with new design books in tow. A lively panel discussion starts off the day at 11 am at Alkusari Stone Showroom (Suite 229), followed by a book signing of the designers' new tomes. That night, PaperCity Design Awards will be announced, and presented by Ashwell, Westbrook and Showers to all winning designers and architects at a 6:30 pm cocktail reception at Design House showroom (Suite 115), with awards ceremony at Alkusari Stone Showroom (Suite 229). Designers and architectural firms submitted more than 181 entries in categories spanning garden design, historical preservation, sustainable design, furniture and product design, as well as more traditional categories for both residential and commercial projects. Winning entries will be published in the October issue of PaperCity magazine. For reservations to either event, go to or call 713.864.2660. The Houston Design Center, 7026 Old Katy Road. The Houston Design Center Spring Market & Book Signings DESIGN DAZE: Barbara Westbrook Rachel Ashwell Jan Showers 22 Art: Marilyn Minter in conversation with CAMH director Bill Arning F lorescence — one of the nation's largest competitive flower shows, presented by River Oaks Garden Club, The Garden Club of Houston and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston — showcases arrangements by well- known flower and garden designers and garden club experts alike. Many find inspiration in the works of art hanging in the MFAH and reflect this year's "Illusions" theme. The 2015 competition (chaired by Kelty Crain of ROGC and Debbie Robinson of GCH, with jeweler Tenenbaum & Co. as principal underwriter) takes place Tuesday and Wednesday, April 28 and 29, at the MFAH, with a lecture and demonstration by Manhattan florist Emily Thompson (April 28, 2:30 pm; $75) and a luncheon and lecture with celebrated London-based garden designer Luciano Giubbilei (April 29, 11 am; $150). Florescence is open to the public with MFAH admission both days, 10 am to 5 pm ($15 for adults). Tickets and complete listing of events, 713.639.7532,, Anne Lee Phillips Feast for the Eyes