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Chairmen Alice & Keith Mosing at MFAH Jared Greenberg, Thomas Mach, Bob Greenberg, Tyson Weihs at Alley SIDE-BY-SIDE SPORTING CLAYS ANNE LEE PHILLIPS ON THE OVER-UNDER. PHOTOGRAPHY JENNY ANTILL CLIFTON, PRISCILLA DICKSON. FIRST TARGET: ALLEY THEATRE. At Claybill, chaired by Butch Mach (his team took top honors), 90 shooters enjoyed a wild-game lunch and competed in sporting clays and flurry, all benefitting the Alley's education and community- engagement programs. Actors David Rainey and Todd Waite gamely participated (the latter turned out to be a pretty good shot). The post-shoot reward: wine, cigars and pheasant taquitos. Aiming for the Alley: Alley GM Ten Eyck Swackhamer, Cora Sue and Harry Mach, Carmen Mach, Melanie and Scott Rothwell, Trey Peacock, and Bob Cavnar. With PaperCity as media sponsor, I pulled together a team of sharpshooting gals to join me: Caroline Brown, Leslie Pitts, and Mairi Drysdale-Morgan. Team PC, while not a high winner, was definitely high-spirited and unofficially awarded best dressed, thanks to our pink shooting shirts. SECOND TARGET: MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, HOUSTON. At The Fine Art of Shooting: A Sporting Clays Invitational, chaired by Alice and Keith Mosing, 170 shooters competed to benefit the MFAH's operating budget. Two hundred and seventy guests, all appropriately dressed for a day in the British countryside, shopped the booths from vendors including Maida's, James Purdey, Anna Irion and Dos Carolinas, and lunched amidst the safari-themed decor. Home on the range: Charles Moyse (best overall men's champion), Laurie Morian (best overall women's champion), Colleen and John Kotts, Cornelia and Meredith Long, Courtney and Christopher Sarofim, Aliyya and Herman Stude, and Joella and Steve Mach. PULL! SPORTING CLAY BENEFIT SEASON OPENED WITH A BANG AT TWO PEDIGREED EVENTS, BOTH HELD AT THE TONY GREATER HOUSTON GUN CLUB AND CATERED BY THE CORONADO CLUB. Eliot Tucker at MFAH Bob Cavnar at Alley Chair Butch Mach at Alley David Rainey Cora Sue Mach at Alley Harry Mach Charles Moyse at MFAH Laurie Morian Gary Tinterow at MFAH Cornelia Long Veronica Curran at MFAH Scotty Arnoldy at MFAH Bobby Fowler Kim Tutcher Brenda Love Jana Arnoldy Caroline Brown at Alley Anne Lee Phillips Mairi Drysdale- Morgan Leslie Pitts A GED TO PERFECTION. T H E 1 8 5 6 / 1 8 8 9 J O H N H . H U T C H I N G S H O M E Nine homes. Two weekends. Numerous special events and more. Tickets on sale now at HistoriC G A L V E S T O N homes tour M A Y 2 , 3 , 9 & 1 0 HistoriC G A L V E S T O N homes tour M A Y 2 , 3 , 9 & 1 0 Philip Alter | 713.818.9538  | Pine Forest T H E B E L L T O W E R O N 3 4 T H . C O M isit 901 West 34 th Street . Houston, Texas 77018 . 713.868.2355 grand extravaganza or corporate event... Beautiful Indoor and Outdoor Spaces, Company Meetings and Celebrations