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"Chris Succo's painting for Re:Define is one from a series of white paintings, works that are made through a repetitive gesture in which the white paint conceals or masks the underpainting. Though the mark making can at first appear redundant, there is actually a sort of controlled chaos to it … The titles of these works hold an importance as they refer to music or song lyrics, something that greatly informs Succo's practice. By participating in Re:Define, Chris is honored to have the opportunity to bring awareness to such an important cause." — Raphaela Renggli, The Journal Gallery "While we all welcome the great medical advances that have been made in the treatment of HIV and AIDS, the most effective response remains prevention … Bringing this information to vulnerable young people around the world has been the special mission of Re:Define. This is a cause that deserves everyone's support. Of all the sculptures I have made, the Umbrellas have always been amongst the best received. Despite being flat, they provide a powerful illusion of three-dimensionality. Despite the weight of the steel they are made from, and because their support is hidden underground, they appear to rest as lightly on the grass as the real thing. I hope this one will find a good home." — Michael Craig-Martin "My donation is a large- scale photograph from a new series whose subjects are golem-like figures based on small plastic toy soldiers reconfigured with oil paint to suggest the sensual and the phantasmagoric. My 'golems' first appeared in the 1990s as large- scale oil paintings, most of which are in international collections and museums. I'm proud and happy to be a part of The Goss-Michael Foundation's continued dedication to the Staying Alive Foundation. I would particularly like to thank Kenny Goss and George Michael for bringing together art, artists and benefactors from here in Dallas and around the world." — Richard Patterson "It's an honor to be supporting MTV Staying Alive and Dallas Contemporary — both equally innovative and above all both extremely vital. Untitled: Shelves No.1 uses 12 of my favorite vintage Avon bottles. I've grown obsessed with these things over the years on a formal, sculptural and ethnographic level — their symbols embody this weird and wonderful bogus ethnography that although totally dubious is probably about as reliable a lens through which to view western culture as any other. Yep, they're a kind of sculptors dream — the ultimate ready-mades!" —Matthew Darbyshire © MICHAEL CRAIG-MARTIN, COURTESY GAGOSIAN GALLERY COURTESY THE ARTIST AND THE JOURNAL GALLERY, BROOKLYN Chris Succo's All Songs Have An Ending, 2015 Richard Patterson's Fair Park Pavilion Sculpture No. 5, 2014 Michael Craig-Martin's Umbrella (Blue), 2011 Matthew Darbyshire's Untitled: Shelves No. 1 (series 6), 2013 "I'm happy to offer my painting Dollar Flower to Re:Define's auction. It is an example of a new series that I'm very excited about, and I'm pleased that it might help an essential cause." — Nate Lowman Nate Lowman's Dollar Flower, 2015 COURTESY THE ARTIST. MACCARONE, NYC, MASSIMO DE CARLO, LONDON AND MILAN COURTESY THE ARTIST