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21 WHERE THE GRASS IS GREENER BLUE BLOODS AND GREEN GARDENS AT THE LOVELIEST OF SPRING PARTIES Shelby Hodge dons her garden party frock. Photography Jenny Antill Clifton, Wilson Parish. M other Nature shamed meteorologists who had predicted a monsoon for the 35th annual Bayou Bend Garden Party. Instead, she delivered a glorious spr ing night that had society's philan- thropists wining, dining, and dancing in an open-air tent on the lush grounds of the 14-acre Bayou Bend estate. More than 300 patricians, both venerable and new, gathered in spring fi nery for the genteel affair, which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the public opening of the magical estate that late arts patron and philanthropist Miss Ima Hogg be- queathed to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Guests dined on summery City Kitchen fare, danced to the sounds of the David Caceres Band, and chatted beneath a grove of candlelit chan- deliers sheathed in pink roses and ivy dreamed up by Richard Flowers. Tabletops wore luscious bouquets of pink- and rose-hued fl eurs while vast collections of hydrangeas bordered the party tent, which overlooked the Diana Fountain on one side and the grand John Staub-designed pink-hued mansion on the other. SPRINGING FORWARD: MFAH director Gary Tinterow, Pam and Dr. David Ott, Ann and John Bookout, Nancy and Rich Kinder, Christopher Gardner, Kathy and Marty Goossen, Jeanie Kilroy Wilson and Wally Wilson, Randy Powers, Bill Caudell, Diane Lokey Farb, Karol and Paul Barnhart, Karen and Mel Payne, Debbie and John Daugherty, Suzanne Dawley, Carole and Ken Bailey, Carol and Mike Linn, Laurie and Reed Morian, Laura and John Arnold, Aliyya Stude. See more Shelby Hodge at Anne & Albert Chao Debbie & John Daugherty Victor Costa Jerry Ann Woodfi n Costa Laurie & Reed Morian Leslie & Brad Bucher Lilly Andress Diane Lokey Farb Dancie Ware Frances Marzio Carol Linn The Clio Garden at Bayou Bend Ann & John Bookout Bayou Bend Gary Tinterow Amy Purvis