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TEXAS DESIGN WEEK DALLAS ALL AGLOW AT LIGHT + DESIGN I t seems the words "infl u- encer" and "Instagram" are most top of mind for the de- sign community these days, with photographs of beau- tifully designed interiors fetching mass followings and beaucoup likes. And so it was that we found our- selves at Light + Design Showroom at the World Trade Center for a deep-dive master class about all things social media and the design world's digital biz, sponsored by Dallas Market Center, Seasonal Living, Savour Partnership, and The Kaleidoscope Partnership. Leslie Carothers, public speaker, social media manager, and project manager (aka @tkpleslie) acted as professor, answering audience questions during a light lunch. Call it social university — minus those pesky exams. Upping their game: Kim Hoegger, Natalie Greve, Kris tin Mullen, and Gary Pettit. Christina Geyer Kristin Mullen, Leslie Carothers at Light + Design Showroom Austin & Cynthia Peeples, Gabriela Molina at Ornare Senior Vice President 214.316.7416 & style strategy It takes to SELL.