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PaperCity Dallas September 2020

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91 Carla Calabrese Dawn Budner a better place on the other side using the tools we developed in Emotionally Intelligent Divorce ® ." Studies show that, while lawyers score high in measures of intelligence, they perform below average in emotional intelligence. In her book "Beyond Smart: Lawyering With Emotional Intelligence," Ronda Muir writes, "The emotionally intelligent have an acute awareness of emotions in themselves and others, can tap into how those emotions feel and are able to understand and manage emotions so as to produce the desired results." These abilities are associated with better communication, faster and more accurate assessment of risks and increased sharpness in reaching an emotionally unbiased strategy for achieving the desired outcome. In family law, intense emotions are part of the job, especially in high-stakes custody litigation or contentious financial and property disputes. You want a lawyer who can guide you through those intense times without riding the emotional waves along with you. "Calabrese Budner lawyers are trained to develop their own social emotional health and wellbeing, so they are part of the solution and not the problem," explains Budner. "When tensions are high for the parties and sometimes even opposing counsel, you want the lawyer who stays calm and focused so you get the benefit of non-reactive, strategic advice," she says. This is a definite advantage to clients, whether in court or at the negotiation table. An emotionally attuned lawyer not only manages his or her own emotions, he or she also reads the room and identifies what is happening beneath the surface for other participants. Instead of the same old routine at the courthouse, you want the lawyer who is brainstorming creative responses and solutions, quickly and accurately assessing risks and reaching an emotionally unbiased strategy for achieving your desired outcome. Emotionally Intelligent Divorce ® is the right choice for clients who want to be whole—or as close as possible—at the end of the divorce process. By identifying and focusing on what is already there but usually ignored (the "emotional divorce"), Calabrese Budner brings to its clients resources and solutions that meet not only their legal but their emotional needs as well. If this sounds like a bunch of therapy talk, make no mistake. Calabrese Budner attorneys have the credentials, knowledge and experience to stand toe-to-toe with any family lawyer in the most complex and contentious of property and custody matters. The difference is that Calabrese Budner has an additional set of tools and skills to protect your interests without causing unnecessary damage so you have the best chance at not only surviving your divorce, but thriving. Whether it's largely amicable, bitterly contested, or somewhere in between―you can count on Calabrese Budner to plan and execute a legal strategy for achieving the future you deserve. Because your family and financial security are too important to leave to chance. For more on the power of Calabrese Budner's Emotionally Intelligent Divorce ® , visit the Calabrese Budner website.

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