PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Houston October 2021

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T he art-lined Susan and Fayez Sarofim House made for an impressive backdrop when the winners of the annual Houston PaperCity Design Awards were fêted in a Slim Aarons of an evening in late May. New Orleans Auction Galleries, led by CEO Susan Sarofim — this night's gracious host — stepped up again as both Texas Design Week sponsor and PaperCity Design Awards Sponsor. Some 200 design- and architectural-minded guests arrived at the handsome Sarofim mansion on River Oaks Boulevard (seating was limited due to COVID restrictions) for cocktails al fresco in the gardens and the reveal of the 2021 winning projects. As guests strolled into the house, walls bearing some of the greatest hits of 19th- and 20th-century American art (the astute eye of Fayez Sarofim would be celebrated a month later with the unveiling of selections culled from his fabled collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston) led to the terrace where white-gloved waiters passed silver trays bearing cocktails and wine, while the crowd spilled out to the pool aerie framed by massive Spanish moss-encrusted live oaks. Tony's crafted the buffet served on the veranda, a repast highlighted by charred flaked ora king salmon, crisp blue point oysters rouille, and Italian pulled- pork sliders. PAPERCITY DESIGN AWARDS HOUSTON A TIMELESS MANSION + A GRACIOUS HOST + ONE BEAUTIFUL EVENING IN MAY By Catherine D. Anspon. Photography Johnny Than. (Continued) Rasha Nasreddin Alli Ryan Motley, Tracy Motley Bill Stubbs, Beth Wolff Cynthia Wolff, Kurt Grether Megan & Luke Hotze Ayca Stiffel Ben Johnston Mark D. Sikes Host Susan Sarofim Alex Heins Sarah Esfahani Tringhese 72

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