PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Houston September 2023

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PHOTOGRAPHED AT NANCARROW O'GORMAN HOUSE, MEXICO CITY, AND INSPIRED BY ARTIST REMEDIOS VARO. T here are times when exquisite talents cross paths. Great talents can be sepa- rated by miles or mere blocks, yet never meet. And there are times when fate, chance, or luck intervene, leaving an in- delible mark on the works and beliefs of each. This is the case with architect and painter Juan O'Gorman and surrealist artist Remedios Varo. O'Gorman was architect (with Diego Rivera) of Museo Anahuacalli and of artist Frida Kahlo's famous Casa Azul and the connecting Diego Rivera house. He was deeply influenced by Mexican surrealism and recognized the influence of artists Remedios Varo and Leonora Carrington on his own work. O'Gorman's Nancarrow House, his last project, was completed in 1940 and was the studio and home of composer Conlon Nancarrow, who lived in the home in exile until his death at age 84. An organic architectural gem, the natural stone murals designed by O'Gorman are exquisite. We can imagine one of Varo's fantastical paintings taking place in the home's music room, still intact after 82 years. Dior coat, top, skirt, West boot, and medium Lady Dior bag. 46

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