PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Houston July:August 2024

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By Catherine D. Anspon with Sofia Westerman. Photography Emily Jaschke. One Radiant NIGHT CAMH CELEBRATES 75 AVANT-GARDE YEARS Stephanie Tsuru Martha Finger I t was a brilliant evening — literally — when one of America's first contemporary art museums celebrated 75 years. Contemporary Arts Museum Houston's Diamond Anniversary Gala and Art Auction was the hottest ticket of the spring. Two well-connected chair couples reigned over the evening: Anita and Gerald Smith and Leigh and Reggie Smith. Inspired by the luminous occasion, The Events Co. decked out CAMH's Brown Foundation Gallery in sleek, kaleidoscopic decor. The diamond jubilee unfolded in four acts: cocktails and auction perusing; seated dinner from Monarch Hospitality; live auction action, with auctioneer Ruth Mason Mauldin adroitly fielding bids; and a sparkly Diamonds in the Sky After Party that spilled out to the Eleanor and Frank Freed Garden, with DJ Big Reeks of The Waxaholics on the decks. The auction set an all-time record by generating more than $300,000, buoyed by such enticing lots as Trenton Doyle Hancock's basketball backboard from his 2023 "CAMH Court" show; textile pioneer Anni Albers' screenprint; and David McGee's politically charged watercolor, acquired by Lester Marks. The night's final haul brought in a green bottom line of $802,000. The A (Art) List: CAMH executive director Hesse McGraw and curatorial team Ryan N. Dennis, Rebecca Matalon, and Patricia Restrepo; gallerist Kerry Inman and Denby Auble; Drs. Annette and Anthony Brissett; Jereann Chaney; Rice University's Paula Gilmer DesRoches and Reggie DesRoches; Johanne Beaulieu Gatto and Joe Gatto; Queen Bey's dad Mathew Knowles and Gena Knowles; Stephanie Wong Smith and Jackson Smith; Jordan Smith; gallerist Bryn Larsen; Duyen and Marc Nguyen; Kelly and Nick Silvers; The Suffers' Kam Franklin; Dillon Kyle and Sam Lasseter; and gallerist Barbara Davis. Carrie & Sverre Brandsberg-Dahl Martellus & Siggi Bennett Valerie Cassel Oliver Holly Waltrip Denise Wynne Chair quartet Reggie & Leigh Smith Anita & Gerald Smith, Hesse McGraw Alecia Harris Eivind Moen Bobby & Phoebe Tudor Katharine Barthelme Frank & Shane Frank Sarah Atwood Jessica Phifer Mara & Erick Calderon Anita Bateman Randy Palmer Wrosiv 18

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