PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Dallas July:August 2024

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Digital Era Navigating Divorce in the PAPERCITY PROMOTION I n recent years, divorce has changed dramatically. In addition to legal changes, the ever-evolving landscape of technology and social media has impacted how divorces and other family-law disputes play out. Seasoned divorce attorneys Carla Calabrese and Lee Budner advise family law clients to approach technology and social media with awareness and intention. "In a day and age of digital footprints and multiplying methods of communication, caution is key. Ideally, you should work with your divorce attorney to develop a plan that covers what you should and should not do," Budner says. Calabrese Caution and Awareness are Key cautions that social media can also have an emotional impact on you during this sensitive time. "Comparing your life to the curated versions often portrayed on social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy or loneliness," she says. Use social media with caution. Social media can be used as a platform to connect with family and friends, but it poses potential risks during divorce proceedings. Calabrese and Budner caution against using social media as an outlet for voicing frustrations. Remember that anything you say can be taken out of context, saved, and used against you later. For example, a public complaint about your soon-to-be ex can be used as evidence of an attempt at parental alienation. A supportive comment from an old high school sweetheart could be misconstrued and presented as "proof" that you've been having an extramarital affair. Posts about new purchases, vacations, or lifestyle changes can also be used as evidence, as it relates to financial issues in the marriage. "In court, people see opposing parties and lawyers take statements out of context all the time to advance their positions," Budner says. "While using social media may provide a beneficial social outlet, clients need to be fully aware that what they post, tweet, or comment may very well crop up in their case." 60

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