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PaperCity Dallas September 2024

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PAPERCITY PROMOTION CC:MD I t's no secret that navigating the healthcare system can be exhausting. Finding the right doctor, getting a timely appointment, then receiving thorough, thoughtful care isn't always a guarantee. With CC:MD, the care every patient wants and deserves is more than a guarantee — it's a promise. CC:MD is a premier concierge internal medicine practice located in the heart of Dallas. Led by Drs. Carrie L. Carter and Carol Croft, who met through a mutual mentor more than 20 years ago, the practice focuses on providing top-of-the-line medical care to its protected client caseload, intentionally limited in size to ensure patients can get to know their doctor and build a close, knowledgeable relationship regarding their health. With physicians on call both after hours and on weekends, care is always a call or text away. "Concierge medical care is one of the best investments you can make," says Dr. Carter. "Having a medical expert you know and trust ready to help when acute problems arise, as well as to advise on preventable health issues, is invaluable. It's an investment in your most precious resource — your health." Drs. Carter and Croft formed CC:MD out of necessity: They wanted to be more involved with their patients' health, including more time at visits and more involvement with the care their patients received outside the clinic. With 40 years of combined experience, they are trailblazing a new path for patients in the Metroplex. This dynamic duo recognized that one of the greatest barriers to exceptional patient care is the current healthcare system and model, so they turned it on its head. At CC:MD, Drs. Carter and Croft have the time, availability, and a rich network of referral providers they've accumulated over decades of practice to elevate the Getting to Know Dallas' Premier Concierge Medical Team PERSONALIZED HEALTHCARE IS JUST A CALL OR TEXT AWAY. Not only is the traditional healthcare practice system a potential barrier for physicians to provide the quality care that patients need, but patients often are unable to navigate its complexities, even when they're knowledgeable and well-resourced. "We want to be your first phone call," Dr. Carter says. "Whether we address your issue directly or refer you to the right specialist, we work to facilitate appointments and follow up to ensure you've received the best care. Most importantly, we ensure that you have the information you need to make the best healthcare decisions possible. At CC:MD, patients never have to navigate their health concerns alone. That's what we're here for." To learn more about CC:MD and its services, visit patient experience beyond the traditional medical practice. Their meticulous patient follow-up, thoughtfulness, and empathy in every patient interaction and commitment to evidence-based medicine allow them to stand above the rest. "We have created a culture where every person working at CC:MD recognizes the key role they play in your care," says Dr Croft. "We are a team of individuals working on your behalf who know you and care about you. The result is excellent patient care, peace of mind, and an unmatched patient experience." Drs. Carter and Croft formed CC:MD out of necessity: They wanted to be more involved with their patients' health ... Dr. Carol Croft, MD Dr. Carrie L. Carter, MD 88

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