PaperCity Magazine

February 2018- Dallas

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70 POETRY IN MOTION David Sutherland, Bobby McAlpine Ann Sutherland Bill Hutchinson, Waters Rhone Kim Andrews, Beau Black Margaret Shelhon Sasha Morales Chad Beeson & Richard Bettinger Christopher Ridolfi Kristen Mullen, Ty Burks Rob Dailey, Joel Baldazo Gary & Aimee Holladay Ellen Mustay, Richard Norris Debbie Bately, Lisa Vincelli Kelly Gates, Nico de Swert Breck & Lauren Woolsey Stephen Dunn BY LISA COLLINS SHADDOCK. PHOTOGRAPHY MARK NELSON. Christine Shugert, Adolfo Elizondo Kylie Frierson, Mary Johnson Grant Jacson, Ashlie Dickey F rom old-school (and new-school) traditionalists to the vehemently avant- garde, Texas Design Week Dallas embraced and embodied those leading the industry, with Bobby McAlpine's book signing at Sutherland Showroom a highlight of the inaugural design week. A celebrated architect, McAlpine was joined by fellow architects, designers and design enthusiasts, as well as Ann and David Sutherland, for a very poetic talk and signing of his latest book, Poetry of Place: The New Architecture and Interiors of McAlpine (Rizzoli). One merely has to page through the volume to be swept up by the architect's romantic approach to design. Poetry of Place features 20 beautifully designed homes, from a Tuscan-style horse farm to a stately Dutch Colonial, each accompanied by McAlpine's description of the project. His accounts, focused more on the emotional significance of each design element than the details themselves, read like love letters, making the book's title poetically perfect. SEEN: Paige Nash, Theresa Miller, Gavin Smith, Luis Fernandez, Denise Tapscott, Lauren McCollum, Cathy Hodges, Michael Crosby, Alison Aimes, Janelle Burns, Alex Eskenasy, Katie Ruffle, Nancy Geib, Ellen Mustay, Richard Norris, Marge Anna Quinn, Anne Mason, and Geoff and Nicky Cramer.

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