PaperCity Magazine

January 2013 - Houston

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3433 WEST ALABAMA HOUSTON TEXAS 77027 713.522.9191 W W W. FOUND FOR THE HOME .C OM Design Services Available FOUND 2 0 0 1 A W e s t G r A y, H o u s t o n At l A n tA Tony Magar, Ocean Drive, 2012 (detail). Duo acrylic mix on panel, 56 x 48" Opening receptiOn, January 12, 6-9pM Mel DeWees, Ophiuchus, 2012 (detail). Acrylic on panel, 60 x 60" L A U R A R AT H E F I N E A R T 2707 Colquitt Street, Houston, TX 77098 713.527.7700 sAvAnnAH By tHoMAs o'Brien January 12 - February 9, 2013 DeWees 713.526.4100 CHiCAGo tA M A s o l A r G e tA B l e l A M P i n t e A s tA i n C r A C k l e P o r C e l A i n 171911_StXL_PaperCityJan_x1a.indd 1 Magar CHArleston Paper City • January 2013 • 1/4 Page Ad Trim: 5.065" x 8.55" • Job# 171911 12/4/12 11:04 AM

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