PaperCity Magazine

November 2016 - Houston

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98 E ntertaining for holidays and special occasions, while lovely, is burdened with obligations and high expectations that don't always make for the most festive atmosphere for either host or guests. In fact, sometimes the best parties arise with little reason other than "just because." Jo Malone London, the exquisite perfume and skincare brand beloved the world over, quietly opened its first Texas boutique in River Oaks District this summer. The company credo celebrates generosity in its new campaign by encouraging us to gift merely to show a friend we're thinking of them. Therefore, instead of toasting the grand opening with a flashy in-store soirée, the brand paired with two Houston hostesses to throw a lovely dinner party — just because. It all began at SoHo House in L.A. this summer, when L.A. marketing consultant and party planner Patrick Herning invited Houston friends Lisa and Josh Oren to dinner and asked if they, along with Greggory and Pat Burk (Patrick, Josh and Pat were fraternity brothers at SMU), would host a dinner at their home in River Oaks for Jo Malone. It was a no-brainer for Oren, a big fan of the brand; Herning assured her that he, along with Swift + Company, would handle the details. Oren — a busy mom of four, including a new baby — was a bit skeptical about a seated dinner for 32 in her home, but when Herning flew in for a site visit, he proclaimed her back garden and pool area the perfect spot. A DIFFERENT STRIPE By Anne Lee Phillips. Photography Priscilla Dickson (continued on page 100) Swift + Company's late summer menu, ideal for en plein air entertaining Surprise number one: a hall filled with helium balloons in punchy black-and-white with dangling black grosgrain ribbons for guests to grab Host Greggory Burk Patrick Herning, Tara Connaughton An impeccably wrapped party favor with a sweet message placed on each chair Lindley Arnoldy, Lauren Barrett Poolside tables with black Chiavari chairs contrasting with crisp white tablecloths and hot-pink linen napkins Erin Florescu, Laura Greenberg

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