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OPPOSITE PAGE: BAD! Junya Watanabe jacket $2,685, and shirt $590, both at Forty Five Ten, Dallas. American Gothic press-on nails $10, at GRAPHIC SCENE. Prada Hexagon jacket $3,560, pants $1,695, and embroidered shirt $820, all at the Prada boutique, Neiman Marcus. Prada embellished shoes, price upon request, at the Prada boutique, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue. Katie Brunini ring $12,000, to order at Judith Ann Jewels. Alexis Bittar cuff $395, and ring $245, both at Chardé, Houston Museum of Natural Science, J. Silver, Kuhl-Linscomb, Longoria Collection, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue. Snake Skin press-on nails $10, at OCTOBER | PAGE 26 | 2012