PaperCity Magazine

October 2012 - Houston

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From Night to Light Holocaust Museum's Moving, Memorable Million-Dollar Evening Honoring Elie Wiesel Daniel Fein Benjy Levit Rachel Halpern Erica Levit Ed & Lorraine Wulfe Peter & Charlotte Berkowitz Walter & Chris Kase Larry Selzer Andy Bursten CATHERINE D. ANSPON REPORTS. PHOTOGRAPHY KIM COFFMAN, PRISCILLA DICKSON. Elisha Selzer Vicki Rabin Chair Danny David, Elliott David Honoree Elie Wiesel, chair Isabel David Marc Shapiro, Paul Klotman, Murry Bowden T Leisa Holland-Nelson Ronnie & Julie Stein, Joan & Stanford Alexander Naomi Warren, Benjamin Warren Tali Blumrosen Charles & Barbara Hurwitz Honoree Elie Wiesel Honorary chairs Sue & Lester Smith Kelli Cohen Fein & Martin Fein Lune de Sang he incomparable Elie Wiesel — Holocaust survivor, humanitarian, author, scholar, journalist, professor, and Nobel Prize and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient — was celebrated in an evening for the record books that drew more Frann than 1,300 guests to the Hilton Lichtenstein Americas–Houston for the Lyndon Baines Johnson Moral Courage Award Dinner. Chairs Isabel and Danny David joined honorary chairs and presenting underwriters Sue and Lester Smith on stage, as the Smiths bestowed the annual award on this champion of human rights and man of extraordinary conviction. The evening of gravitas raised more than $1.2 million for the Holocaust Museum Houston and its mission of promoting tolerance and enlightenment, while offering free admission to the public and education programs cautioning against the dangers of apathy and emphasizing moral action. STRICHER L A U R A R AT H E F I N E A R T 2 0 0 1 A W e s t G r A y, H o u s t o n At l A n tA CHArleston 713.526.4100 sAvAnnAH sIlHouette vAse ACCent lAMP In GIlded Iron by tHoMAs o'brIen

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