PaperCity Magazine

October 2012 - Houston

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Key TO The Cure A Celestial Celebration for The Ensemble Theatre MARC NEWSOME Get the shirt. Shop the weekend. Show your support. Join Saks Fifth Avenue in the fight against women's cancers. Get the shirt, designed by Carolina herrera, available exclusively at Saks Fifth Avenue this October. Then shop October 18 to 21, when Saks will donate 2% of sales to local and national women's cancer charities.* Robert Ross, Janette Cosley T he Ensemble Theatre's annual gala celebrated another year of successful performances. Sharon Murphy and D'Artagnan Bebel chaired the evening, which began with a reception hosted by Mayor Annise Parker, with silent and big board auctions, then segued to dinner in the Hilton Americas ballroom accompanied by tunes from Yvonne Washington and the Mix Band. The evening culminated in the presentation of three coveted awards: Lifetime Achievement Award to Broadway veteran Ben Vereen; Legacy Award to stage and movie actor Glynn Turman, who's best known for A Raisin in the Sun; and Rising Star Award to Melissa Greggs, Stellar celebrators: honorary chairs Shauna and Morris Clark, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Al Green, lifetime board member Brenda Peters-Chase, board chairman Jackie Phillips, Judge Clarease Yates and husband Cary Yates, and the Ensemble's Janette Cosley, and Eileen Morris. Erin Oppenheim Special thanks to Penélope Cruz, the 2012 Ambassador for eIF's Women's Cancer research Fund and Saks Fifth Avenue's Key To The Cure. *Saks will donate 2% of participating vendor sales from Thursday to Sunday, October 18 to 21, along with 100% of Key To The Cure T-shirt sales to CancerForward: Foundation for Cancer Survivors for the Key To The Cure campaign. Visit to learn more. NOVEMBER 2O12 Houston Galleria, 5115 WestHeimer rd. Call 713.627.0500, Visit saKs.Com/Houston, doWnload tHe saKs aPP or Find us on FaCeBooK, tWitter and saKsPoV.Com. Chair D'Artagnan Bebel, honoree Melissa Greggs, Jackie Phillips Honorary chair Shauna Clark Eileen Morris { { 80,000 Honorary chair Morris Clark Merele Yarborough PAPERCITY HOUSE + ART CIRCULATION TO RESERVE ADVERTISING SPACE T A P M O N I C A @P A P E R C I T Y M A G . C O M , 7 1 3 . 5 2 4 . 0 6 0 6 , E X T . 2 2 1 Honoree Glynn Turman, Pamela Ulmer

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