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please join us for Wednesday, November 7, 2012 6:00PM Cocktails | 7:30PM Dinner Hilton Americas-Houston Dancing to the Richard Brown Orchestra Co-Chairs Martin and Kelli Cohen Fein, Leela and Nat Krishnamurthy, Trini Mendenhall-Sosa and Frank Sosa Anita and Gerald Smith The evening will include an exhibit and silent auction of actual doors transformed into art by an impressive list of fifteen artists ESTEEMED HONOREES CHEVRON (Humanitarian Award) The Houston Bar Association (Carl Ulmand Lifetime Achievement Award) Wells Fargo Bank (Corporate Partner Award) InnerChange Freedom Initiative (Open Doors Award) Irene and Brian Binash (Builder's Award) and The Kinkaid School (Future Builder's Award) HONORARy CHAIRS Pastors Kirbyjon and Suzette Caldwell Anthony Chase Andrew Echols Sonceria and Jodie Jiles The RED SHOES Gala The evening calls for cocktail attire and RED SHOES because after all, THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! NOVEMBER 2O12 { { 80,000 PAPERCITY HOUSE + ART CIRCULATION SPECIAL INSERT: PAPERCITY WILL BE ANOTHER DECORATIVE CENTER The Orange Show'S 31St Annual Gala November 3rd, 2012 Heritage Center at Crowne Plaza Chairs Ty & Trish Whitcomb TREES TO RESERVE ADVERTISING SPACE T A P M O N I C A @P A P E R C I T Y M A G . C O M 713.524.0606, EXT. 221