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Popping Bottles What: Côtes du Coeur Gala. Where: Hilton Anatole. Who: Chair Kate Rose Marquez; gala chair Kristen Sanger and husband Ladd; American Heart Association president Mark Creager; founding chef Richard Chamberlain; and patrons Gillian Briedenbach, Sandy and David Alexander, Holly Reed, Nancy Gopez, and Kara and Randall Goss. PC Moment: Going strong for 24 years, the American Heart Association raised funds — and glasses of vino — at its annual soirée. Thirty-plus acclaimed wineries were enlisted for the evening, where more than 1,400 guests relished wine pairings and mouthwatering samples presented by celebrity chefs. Jane Rozelle DANIEL DRIENSKY Chairs Kristen Sanger Kate Rose Marquez Michele Chulick, Ian Pesses Nichole Stephens, Alicia Conner John & Gretchen Bookwalter Marge & Hank Krawczyk Billie Bedsole, Mark Johnson Curtis & Gina Schuler T H E G I F T O F FA S H I O N I S O N LY T H E B E G I N N I N G A L L T H E TO P D E S I G N E R S , A N D S O M E T H I N G S P E C I A L F O R YO U T H U R S DAYS U N DAY S E P T E M B E R 172O I N S TO R E S & O N L I N E T H E C U S P E V E N T R E C E I V E A N E XC L U S I V E N E C K L AC E W I T H A $350 R E G U L A R P R I C E D C O N T E M P O R A RY P U RC H A S E I N C U S P, A N D $50 O F F W H E N YO U S P E N D $50 0 O R M O R E . DOWNTOWN NORTHPARK WILLOW BEND FORT WORTH NEIMANMARCUS.COM/CUSP One necklace, while supplies last, and one $50 discount per customer, September 17–20, 2015 at Neiman Marcus stores,, CUSP freestanding stores, and Other exclusions apply; see your sales associate or for details.