PaperCity Magazine

November 2017- Houston

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34 La Dolce Vita, INDEED (continued on page 36) Glen Gonzalez, Monsour Taghdisi, Henry Richardson Lucas Somoza, Ceron Trevor & Alexis Traina Gerald Erikson, Becca Cason Thrash, Ben Aguilar Mark Sullivan Diane Lokey Farb Federico Nassetti Daniel Paltridge Photography Matteo de Fina In our September report on Becca Cason Thrash's Liaisons au Louvre IV, we ended our story with … The night went gloriously on and on. A short sleep ensued, and it was off the next day, with jewels and gowns in tow, to the Laguna where Venetian Heritage director Toto Bergamo Rossi awaited and Ms. Cason Thrash had yet another itinerary of special appointments. Filippo Tattoni- Marcozzi, PaperCity's European editor at large, continues the saga. T he first of three Venetian nights brought a formal seated dinner in a 17th-century museum, the Ca'Rezzonico, with masterpieces by Canaletto, Longhi, and Tiepolo. Rarely are dinners allowed in this magnificent space, but due to persuasion by the Venetian Heritage and Ms. Thrash, cocktails and dinner were thus had. Hosted by Bulgari, the evening called for white dinner jackets. No man was as hand- some as the evening's host, Bulgari CEO Daniel Paltridge, unless it was the phalanx of Texas gents, one more dashing than the next: Andrew Echols, Monsour Taghdisi, Henry Richardson, Steve Ivy, Greg Fourticq, Glen Gonzalez, Alan Bentz, Evan Greenberg, Brian Bolke. Days were spent touring splendid private palazzos, catching exhibitions at the Venice Biennale, and meeting up late at night at the luscious bar at Gritti Palace. Finally, it was the night of La Dolce Vita — The Masked Ball, held at the restored Scuola Grande Della Misericordia, which had been shuttered for 100 years and only recently reopened. Guests arrived via private gondola and sleek Italian water taxi, greeted by stilt-wearing harlequins hovering 20 feet in the air. Masks were required and headdresses encouraged, and there were many elaborate creations. A standout: San Francisco's Alexis Traina in an ode to Elizabeth Taylor's '60s floral Venetian headpiece, with husband Trevor Traina, and Mary Ellen Marziale (in from London with hus- band Roberto) wearing a dramatic feathered headpiece matching her marigold gown. Gentlemen swooped in with billowing capes — Lucas Somoza, Thierry Wasser, Mark Sullivan, Richard Flowers, and Ceron. Lavish gowns and fanciful tuxedos were a rich swirl of color. Vogue's Hamish Bowles in a fuchsia damask custom suit by Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, done up just for the occasion, had matching lilac socks beaming from his evening slippers, and a lavender-faced Rolex peeked from beneath his cuff. Luxury brands Ralph Lauren, Dolce & Gabbana, Vuitton, and Bulgari all hosted tables filled with their most elegant VIPS.

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