PaperCity Magazine

November 2017- Houston

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All that tangibly remains of the Judge's optimistic, flamboyant, and gilded lifestyle and vision is the Celestial Suite. The latest of approximately eight hotel owners, the Crowne Plaza has been a careful steward of the penthouse floor. A half-century after the Celestial Suite was designed, we appreciate the rooms today more as talismanic art installations to the Judge. Given the hotel's association with the Orange Show, which has held their gala in the hotel's ballroom for the past six years, and the establishment of the Astrodome Conservancy, one hopes that these entities can assist the Crowne Plaza in forging a foundation to preserve the Judge's legacy. One of Judge Roy Hofheinz's admirers, fabled judge Leon Jaworski, wrote in The Grand Huckster: "He was a dreamer up to a certain point, but his weren't idle dreams. They were dreams that had substance. Houston and Texas owe Roy Hofheinz much." Stay tuned for the sequel to this story: "The Life and Times of Judge Roy Hofheinz." Stella McCartney Gali dress $1,995, and Eclypse sneaker $625, both at the Stella McCartney boutique, Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue,,, The Band Wagon Bedroom

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