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1.5 billion people in the developing world live without electricity. That means when the sun goes down, families walk home on unlit roads, health clinics can't stay open, and children play in the dark. Direct Energy has partnered with MPOWERD to help make a big difference with a little Luci® light. Sign up for the Give Brighter 12 plan, * and we'll send a Luci light to a family or business in need. And, we'll send one to your family, too. VISIT DIRECTENERGY.COM/GIVEBRIGHTER OR CALL 844-693-2305 AND SIGN UP TODAY. MEET LUCI® Inflatable. Waterproof. Long-Lasting. Solar-Powered. And lighting the way for brighter futures. *New Residential Customers Only. © 2016 Direct Energy. All Rights Reserved. PUCT Certificate No. 10040. Luci and MPOWERD are trademarks of MPOWERD Inc. Used with permission.